Care Homes

The AIRsteril range of air purification products eradicate the bacteria and viruses that cause background odours which can persist even in homes with the very best cleaning regimes.

There are many unique challenges within Care Homes, odours or lingering stale air can be created from a wide range of sources including use of commodes or toilets, incontinence, storage of clinical waste or simply body odour which changes with age.

Maintaining cleaning standards ensures that any odours are minimal, but they are impossible to eradicate completely, even efforts to wash furnishings or clear odours with fragrances can add an unpleasant staleness to the air which is noticeable to visitors. As newcomers to the home, visitors will always be more sensitive to odours than staff or residents.

Many of our customers describe our products as insurance against stale air or lingering odours, even when ingrained. We work in harmony with the best cleaning practices to clear any stale odours and create fresh air, but also target the harmful bacteria and viruses in the environment 24/7 to reduce risks to all.

Multiple international laboratory tests on AIRsteril demonstrated a reduction of up to 99.99% in airborne viruses, bacteria, mould and fungi. We have all full test reports available upon request as well as various on-site tests, testimonials and case studies.

Guaranteed odour control
We’re so confident in our product performance, we’ll prove the effectiveness in a room of your choosing. Please get in touch for details and we can make the arrangements.

Reduce staff absence and associated costs
Staff sickness can add massive strain to the daily workings of a care home, often requiring overtime or agency staff at increased costs to provide cover and maintain cleaning schedules, whilst still paying regular staff. One NHS trust reported a £208,650 saving over just 3 months based on reduced overtime with the reduction in absenteeism when AIRsteril products were installed.

Key Features & Advantages of AIRsteril

  • ● Continuously reducing bacteria and viruses 24/7.
  • ● No requirement for air fresheners to mask smells.
  • ● Ongoing reductions in cleaning and chemical costs.
  • ● Further longevity of soft furnishings, curtains and carpets as harsh cleaning no longer required.
  • ● AIRsteril helps create a safe space for residents, families and staff.
  • ● 3 year product guarantee to ensure ongoing protection.
  • ● Testing against MRSA, Norovirus, E-Coli, Listeria, Streptococcus Aureus, Coronavirus, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Aspergillus fumigatus, Clostridium difficile, Pichia anomala, Formaldehyde and Total bacteria count.
  • ● Proven on site reductions in total microorganisms, mould and yeast alongside odours.

Odours or simply stale air can be a concern in every environment, the unique challenges within Care Homes mean that even with the best possible cleaning standards these issues can still exist in some areas. Airborne microorganisms create offensive odours, spread infections and compromise hygiene. The risks of illness passing between individuals in any shared residential space is always present, this can be elevated by lack of fresh air or vulnerability of residents.

Remove embarrassing odours, and ensure fresh clean air around the clock. Constantly reduce unhealthy microbes and associated risks. Every room smells freshly cleaned eliminating the need for "masking fragrances".

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) demand high levels of cleanliness and infection control
"Premises and equipment should be visibly clean and free from odours that are offensive or unpleasant.”, - just one excerpt from a CQC report demonstrates this point: “We were told by staff and relatives that the odour on both the dementia care units was unacceptable. One relative said, "It’s overpowering, it's not right that people have to live with this constant smell".
*To find out more visit the CQC website to see the full regulation on cleanliness and equipment:

"As a care home owner, I have always been sceptical of these devices in the past, however, after purchasing a home with these devices installed, I am now fully embracing the technology, it actually works! You don’t need to understand it, just give it a try and see for yourself."
Mr C G. Director
Southey Care Ltd
"From a Health & Safety and decontamination perspective this is a remarkable win-win. Air quality is healthier and cleaner containing no bio-aerosols and no particulates greater than 0.001 microns which is far superior to HEPA filtration. These devices are now being used in treatment rooms in NHS Hospitals."
Darren Magee FInstLM ASEE DEngM ASME
Head of Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering
"It was just about a year ago that we at Alde House took delivery of our first units; I, as you know, was very sceptical about the technology. You were so sure of the product that you were prepared to put the units into the home and let us try them for a month. You said that if we were not pleased with the results you would remove the machines. We started small with a unit in each of our lounges and a bedroom unit in two of our “problem” rooms. Well after the four week trial we were so impressed that we have units in most of the bedrooms as well as the corridors.

When people come to visit our home one frequently heard comment is that Alde House does not smell like an old people’s home. One lady came to look round last week and remarked that a new build in our area, that has been open less than a year, was in need of the technology we use. We are also finding that we are spending less and less on chemicals that just cover the odours.

Our board of trustees is so impressed that they feel we need to have all areas of our home protected in this manner and have allowed provision for this in the budget. In my opinion these units give our home a fresh and clean environment for staff and residents alike.
Thank you for giving me the chance to sample these very worthwhile machines."
S. W. Burton
Manager of Alde House
"We are a 60-bedded residential home for the elderly, some of our residents suffer from incontinence, and with a regular vigorous cleaning schedule we are able to limit any problems from unpleasant odours to keep a clean and healthy home.

There are some issues which cannot be resolved as part of the normal cleaning due to residents remaining in their rooms for long periods, or not allowing regular cleaning to take place as often as is needed. In this situation odour problems from one room can affect the surrounding area, which can reflect badly on the home.

We had an AIRsteril Multi purpose unit installed in a problem corridor and within 24 hours the difference was obvious, the whole area now has a fresh pleasant air which is a great improvement for residents staff and visitors to the home. I was very surprised by the improvement, and by how quickly the unit worked. I would recommend the use of these machines in any area you may have an odour problem.

I would also like to say how helpful the staff at Air Steril have been, answering any queries promptly and politely."

G. Grist,
Quantum Care
"I received a product leaflet from AIRsteril (UK) Ltd describing a product incorporating new technology that would eliminate air and surface bacteria and remove all odours at the same time. As I am interested in anything that enhances the quality of life of our residents and staff, and in particular the air they breathe, I agreed to trial a full system on the first floor of our specialist dementia care unit.

This is a very modern open plan environment and with being a dementia unit we have the problem of inappropriate urination and the resulting odours, which were impossible to remove even with the strictest hygiene routine.

Seven AIRsteril units were installed covering three lounges and corridors. After some adjustment to the technology within each unit to match our environmental needs, I am pleased to say the system works, as at the beginning I must admit I was a little cynical.

The response from the staff was unanimous regarding the air quality and reduction of odours and I certainly recommend the product as an effective way of improving air quality and removing odours."

Mark Bailey, Director
First Choices

The units will produce purified, infection-free, odour-free air 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We are so convinced that you will be totally satisfied with the AIRsteril experience we offer a 28 DAY FULL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE (conditions apply).

Speak to our team of distributors for more information.

Please see below products suitable for Care Homes


Our system ensures that contaminated air drawn in every unit achieves optimum dwell time within the purifying chamber in the presence of the specialist germicidal Ultraviolet lamp and cleaning plates. As the processed air leaves the unit it both reacts with particles in the air to remove them and continues to spread throughout the area to lower contamination and ensure the same air is not repeatedly treated.

Our products are effective on bacteria, viruses, mould, fungi and odours, completely safe to use in occupied areas.


AIRsteril provides units to cover wide open spaces as well as the smallest rooms, improving cleanliness and infection control. Additionally, odours are removed as is the need for cleaning chemicals and masking perfumes. Staff turnover and absenteeism are reduced by tackling surface and airborne bacteria and viruses. Regulations are complied with, while the units require minimal maintenance and do not interfere with everyday operations.

Get in touch today