The provision of medical care, whether emergency, prevention, diagnosis, treatment or management of illness and injuries bring many unique challenges. The healthcare industry is constantly evolving and adapting to new technologies and treatments, recent events have shone an even greater light on the key requirement to prevention transmission of illness yet the standards and practices in place remain varied across different sectors and countries.
Odour control is another key requirement, unpleasant smells easily create embarrassment, but many people are still not aware that even odours in a common area like washrooms are a warning sign of unhealthy bacteria levels. However diligent staff are, bacteria breed so quickly they will always be present, and there is no traditional cleaning method to remove contaminates and odours from the air. Musty odours are caused by mould which is another well recognised health issue which requires appropriate control, even food odours which may at first appear pleasant will end up being a source of complaint when lingering in an area.
With good quality cleaning in place and the use of AIRsteril products, infection risks are constantly being reduced and there is no reason for any unpleasant odours to be present whether a hospital, washroom, care home, doctors, dentists, medical vehicles or even waste storage to Flats, Office & Shopping Centers.
Unpleasant odours will often be seen as a sign of poor management or uncaring staff regardless of the challenges faced on site. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) specifically demand high levels of cleanliness and infection control “Premises and equipment should be visibly clean and free from odours that are offensive or unpleasant.” Attempting to mask odours with perfumes can make air heavier and more unpleasant, doing nothing to address the root cause meaning sooner or later the odours return. The latest technology from AIRsteril eliminates bacteria and odours resulting in a big saving in materials and staff time. A clean, fresh environment is good for residents, visitors and staff.
"From a Health & Safety and decontamination perspective this is a remarkable win-win. Air quality is healthier and cleaner containing no bio-aerosols and no particulates greater than 0.001 microns which is far superior to HEPA filtration. These devices are now being used in treatment rooms in NHS Hospitals."
Darren Magee FInstLM ASEE DEngM ASME
Head of Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering